Paul Jenkins included in The Art Students League of New York's exhibition "On the Front Lin

On the Font Lines: Military Veterans at The Art Students League of New York, an exhibition co-curated by Jillian Russo, Ph.D., the League's curator, and Executive Director Ira Goldberg, features paintings by twenty prominent artists who served their country and studied or taught at the League from 1945 to the present. Including Charles Alston, Stanley Boxer, Michael Goldberg, Al Held, Paul Jenkins, Alfred Leslie, and Robert Rauschenberg, the League also issued an artist call for any veteran who studied at the League to participate in a coinciding show in the League's lobby and main office.
Image: Paul Jenkins, Phenomena of Air Striae, 1959, oil & enamel on canvas, 70 x 50 in. ©2007 Estate of Paul Jenkins.
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